Bermuda green team
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Playing our part in the community

We encourage all of our employees to give back to our communities, and many of our staff take time out of the day job to do just that, from collecting surplus food for redistribution to those in need, reading and mentoring through schemes at local schools in and around the City of London, to taking part in our Bermuda team’s annual beach clean.

Hiscox impact report 2022

Our impact report

Our latest impact report, takes a look at some of the key actions we have taken across the Group to support our customers, people and communities during the year, including highlighting some of the good causes we supported and the difference we’ve been able to make, through volunteering, financial support or both.

The Hiscox Foundation

The Hiscox Foundation was established in the UK in 1987 and is funded by an annual donation from the Hiscox Group. The Foundation operates as separate entities in the UK and USA, and focuses its resources where it can make the greatest impact. Each Foundation’s Board of Trustees meet quarterly and must consider each funding request made, including whether it aligns with our chosen areas of focus, and makes a funding decision accordingly.

The Hiscox Foundation UK divides its approach to charitable giving into three main pillars; social mobility and entrepreneurship, protecting and preserving the environment, and causes our people are passionate about; and charities aligned with these areas of focus are encouraged to apply.

Hiscox Gives

Our Hiscox Gives charity initiative supports charities chosen by local employees for offices across the Group and aims to raise awareness and encourage volunteering among staff.

By supporting causes aligned with our values, Hiscox Gives aims to create meaningful volunteering opportunities for our employees and helps to raise funds for their chosen charities.

We’ve had a York versus Colchester fundraising race to see who can cover the greatest distance on treadmills and exercise bikes – as well as bake sales, quizzes and race nights to name just a few.

Building homes for disadvantaged families in Sri Lanka

Hiscox London Market supports the Dust Project, a charity which helps disadvantaged children in Sri Lanka by pairing building projects with child sponsorship. As part of our multi-year programme of support, we’ve raised over £75,000 to date and last year ten members of our London Market team spent a week in Sri Lanka helping to build a home for a local family.

Hiscox art London office

Supporting community art initiatives around the world

Art is a long-held passion of ours, and we relish finding ways to share it with the wider community. We supported a whole range of art-related initiatives around the world during the year, including Sculpture in the City and Art Night in London, which make art accessible to all in the city; and through our work with Hamburg’s renowned university of fine art, HFBK, where we support promising young artists with a €7,500 art prize.

Read more about what we're doing...