We have operations in 32 offices across 13 countries. Browse our map for local contact information and related websites.
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Asia ‒ Singapore (DirectAsia)

20 Anson Road, #08-01
Singapore 079912
Customer care
T +65 6665 5555
T +65 6532 1818
DirectAsia was founded in Singapore in 2010 and launched in Thailand in 2013. In Singapore, the products on offer include car, motorcycle and travel insurance.
Bermuda – Hamilton

Chesney House
96 Pitts Bay Road
Pembroke HM 08
T +1 441 278 8300
Postal address
P.O. Box HM 192
Hamilton HM AX
Our head office is located in Bermuda. Hiscox Re & ILS operates from Bermuda.
EU – Amsterdam

Hiscox Nederland
Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 595B
1082 LD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 517 0700
Hiscox Amsterdam is home to claims, operations, finance and marketing teams as well as underwriters in the art and private client and professional specialty commercial business.
Hiscox Netherlands is a leading insurer specialising in insuring art collections, second homes, furniture, and jewellery collections as well as tailoring professional liability insurance products for small- to medium-sized enterprises.
EU – Berlin

Schönhauser Allee 36
10435 Berlin
T +49 (0)30 726161 800
Hiscox Germany is a specialist in household insurance, art insurance for private clients as well as providers of property damage liability insurance for the service industry such as IT companies, consultants and media agencies.
EU – Bordeaux

Le Millenium I
12 Quai des Queyries
33100 Bordeaux
T +33 5 57 54 49 00
The Bordeaux office opened in 2008 and is home to the Customer Service Centre for Hiscox France. The Bordeaux team also includes underwriters, business analysts, finance and the property claims team. The Bordeaux sales underwriting team is dedicated to alternative distribution and the south west region.
EU – Brussels

Bourgetlaan/Avenue du Bourget 42 B8
Building Airport
1130 Brussel/Bruxelles
T +32 2 788 26 00
Hiscox Belgium was opened in Brussels in 2002. The teams are responsible for developing and managing business with brokers in Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as claims handling.
Hiscox Belgium is a specialist insurer of private residences, second homes, high-end vehicles, and collectors’ items, as well as tailored cyber and professional liability insurance products for small- to medium-sized enterprises.
EU – Cologne

Im Mediapark 8
50670 Cologne
T +49 221 65068 800
The Cologne office is the regional office for western Germany and is home to a team of underwriters for all lines of German business. Hiscox Germany is a specialist in household insurance, art insurance for private clients as well as providers of property damage liability insurance for the service industry such as IT companies, consultants and media agencies.
EU – Dublin

The Observatory
7-11 Sir John Rogerson's Quay
Dublin 2
Republic of Ireland
T +353 1 238 1800
Hiscox Ireland works with Irish brokers to provide high-value home insurance and commercial insurance for professional businesses across Eire and Northern Ireland.
EU – Frankfurt

2nd Floor
66 Untermainkai
60329 Frankfurt
T +49 69 244373 800
Hiscox Germany is a specialist in household insurance, art insurance for private clients as well as providers of property damage liability insurance for the service industry such as IT companies, consultants and media agencies.
EU – Hamburg

Stadthausbrücke 7
20355 Hamburg
T +49 40 411113 400
The Hamburg office is the regional office for northern and east Germany and is home to a team of underwriters for all lines of German business, as well as specialist business lines such as kidnap and ransom and cyber insurance.
Hiscox Germany is a specialist in household insurance, art insurance for private clients as well as providers of property damage liability insurance for the service industry such as IT companies, consultants and media agencies.
EU – Lisbon

Atrium Saldanha
Praça Duque de Saldanha nº1, piso 5
1050-094 Lisbon
T +351 210 027 330
The Hiscox Lisbon office is the hub for European operations covering policy and claims administration, finance, credit control and other support areas such as management information. The shared service centre was created in 2010 to support the entire European operation.
EU – Luxembourg

Hiscox SA
Hygge building
35 avenue Monterey
L-2163 Luxembourg
T +352 24 61 32 -1
In 2018 we established a new European subsidiary in Luxembourg in response to Brexit. Luxembourg was selected for its pro-business position, strong financial services experience and well-respected regulator, as well as its position close to many of our major markets. We are building a small local team in our Luxembourg office which will cover core functions such as compliance, risk and internal audit and complement our existing structure.
EU – Madrid

c/Miguel Ángel 11
4th Floor
28010 Madrid
T +34 91 515 99 00
Hiscox Madrid has been present in the Spanish market since 1997. The office is home to the sales underwriting, claims and marketing teams.
Hiscox Spain insures high-quality buildings and contents, fine art and collectables as well as providing a range of professional liability insurances to suit the needs of businesses across a range of different industries.
EU – Munich

Bernhard-Wicki-Str. 3
80636 Munich
T +49 89 545801 100
Our Munich office opened in 1995 as the head office for Hiscox Germany and the regional office for the south. The office is home to the claims team, product, operations, IT, finance and marketing departments as well as the direct to consumer business.
Hiscox Germany is a specialist in household insurance, art insurance for private clients as well as providers of property damage liability insurance for the service industry such as IT companies, consultants and media agencies.
EU – Paris

49 Avenue de L'Opéra
75002 Paris
T +33 1 53 21 82 82
Hiscox Paris was established in 1993 and is the head office for the European business. The office is home to the Paris North-West regional underwriters in kidnap and ransom, direct-to-consumer, personal indemnity claims, marketing and operations. Hiscox Re & ILS services France, the Middle East and North Africa from Paris.
Hiscox France offers a range of professional insurance solutions tailored to meet the needs of small businesses across a range of professional areas.
EU – Stuttgart

Königstraße 29
70173 Stuttgart
Hiscox Germany is a specialist in household insurance, art insurance for private clients as well as providers of property damage liability insurance for the service industry such as IT companies, consultants and media agencies.
Guernsey – St Peter Port

Heritage Hall
Le Marchant Street
St Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 4EL
T +44 1481 746 500
The Hiscox Guernsey office opened in 1998 writing fine art and kidnap and ransom insurance. Hiscox Insurance Company (Guernsey) Limited has an A (Excellent) rating from A.M. Best and an A+ rating from Fitch.
In the event of a complaint, please email [email protected]. If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with, you may ask the Ombudsman to review your case without affecting your legal rights, the details can be found at www.ci-fo.org.
UK – Birmingham

1st floor
23 Colmore Row
Birmingham B3 2BS
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)121 212 5907
Hiscox Birmingham was established in September 2000. The regional team is responsible for developing and managing business with a focused panel of brokers throughout the Midlands and the South West and has full underwriting capability to handle the core areas of insurance for business professionals and high net worth individuals.
UK – Colchester

Hiscox House
Sheepen Place
Colchester CO3 3XL
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)1206 773700
Hiscox Colchester opened its doors in May 2004. Teams based in Colchester work across a number of functions including, underwriting; customer relations; broker-facing service delivery; human resources; property, liability and technical claims; IT; compliance; reinsurance and accounts.
UK – Glasgow

220 St Vincent Street
Glasgow G2 5SG
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)141 285 6510
Hiscox Glasgow was established in June 2000 following the acquisition of Chartwell Underwriting.
The regional team is responsible for developing and managing business with a focused panel of brokers in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Eire, and has full underwriting capability to handle the core areas of insurance for business professionals and high net worth individuals.
UK – London

22 Bishopsgate
London EC2N 4BQ
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)20 7448 6000
Our building in the City of London is home to Syndicate 33 and underwriting at Lloyd’s, which comprises Hiscox London Market and Hiscox Re, as well as being the London branch of our UK retail business.
The Hiscox London office puts us in the heart of the region’s key commercial centre. The regional team is responsible for developing and managing business with a focused panel of brokers within London and the M25, and has full underwriting capability to handle the core areas of insurance for business professionals and high net worth individuals.
Hiscox UK provides extensive business insurance, finely tailored to the needs of thousands of SMEs, professionals and consultants in the UK.
Hiscox London Market underwrites international businesses via the Lloyd’s insurance market, and specialist retail business from around the world. Our expertise and specialism extends as far as insuring inter-planetary probes and observation satellites.
UK – Maidenhead

Building 2
Concorde Park
Concorde Road
Maidenhead SL6 4FJ
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)1628 762920
Hiscox Maidenhead was established in March 2003. The regional team is responsible for developing and managing business with a focused panel of brokers throughout the south of England, with full underwriting capability to handle the core areas of insurance for business professionals and high net worth individuals.
UK – Manchester

7th Floor
44 Peter Street
M2 5GP
T +44 (0)161 245 3350
Hiscox Manchester opened in January 2007. The regional team is responsible for developing and managing business with a focused panel of brokers throughout north west England, with full underwriting capability to handle the core areas of insurance for business professionals and high net worth individuals.
UK – York

The Hiscox Building
Peasholme Green
York YO1 7PR
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)1904 618001
Hiscox established a presence in York in May 2013 and moved in to its purpose-built iconic office within the city walls in December 2015. The building is the heart of our direct-to-consumer operations in the UK, being home to the Customer Experience Centre (CEC), in addition to underwriting, IT and other departments.
USA – Atlanta, GA

5 Concourse Parkway
Suite 2150
Atlanta GA 30328
T +1 404 410 2800
Hiscox Atlanta (south east regional office) opened in September of 2010. The regional team is responsible for developing and underwriting multiple lines of business, including casualty in allied healthcare and architects and engineers; management liability; kidnap and ransom; construction/builders risk; terrorism; media liability; technology, casualty and privacy via brokers throughout the south and south eastern United States. The office also houses the largest claims team in North America as well as the Hiscox Underwriting Centre (HUC) and the US Service Delivery Centre.
USA – Chicago, IL

30 N. LaSalle St
Suite 1760
Chicago IL 60602
Hiscox Chicago opened in 2009. Products written from Chicago include professional liability, technology casualty, privacy/data breach, media liability, management liability, kidnap and ransom, commercial property and terrorism.
USA – Los Angeles, CA

601 South Figueroa Street
Suite 2650
Los Angeles CA 90017
T +1 213 412 1210
Hiscox Los Angeles opened in December 2009. The Los Angeles team is responsible for developing and managing business with a focused panel of brokers throughout southern California. The team have full underwriting capability to handle the core areas of insurance for business professionals.
USA – Miami, FL

USA – New York City, NY

90 Park Avenue
27th Floor
New York NY 10016
Hiscox New York was opened in 2006 and is home to teams from the US direct business, marketing, claims, IT, operations and underwriting departments. Products written from New York City include terrorism, management liability, casualty and professional liability.
USA – Scottsdale, AZ

Arizona 85258
Hiscox USA underwrites a range of business insurances including small business, media and entertainment, executive risk, casualty and cyber.
USA – West Hartford, CT

USA – White Plains, NY

1133 Westchester Ave
Suite S-231
White Plains NY 10605
T +1 914 273 7400
Hiscox White Plains opened in 2011. The office is home to finance, operations, actuarial, CAT modeling, IT departments and the Hiscox Underwriting Centre (HUC). The team there also underwrites architects and engineers’ liability, and terrorism.
We have operations in 32 offices across 13 countries. Browse our map for local contact information and related websites.